Recap Assist
Grabs stills for a recaps using a recap timeline and a search timeline.
Open every project you would like to search for recap shots in read only then open the project with the recap you are tracing to.
Create a timeline with only the recap shots in it
On the color page, in the toolbar, click “Workspace > Scripts > Recap Assist”
Read the warning splash, click “Done!”
In the drop down select the timeline of just the recap you’re tracing to.
In the “Projects” list, double click a project to load it.
In the “Timelines” list select a timeline to search for shots to grab stills from.
On the color page create and open a power grade album where stills will be grabbed to.
Click “Grab Stills” to start the search!
Hint: By default the exact clip search is checked, unchecking it will search by reel name instead of filename and timecode
Read the warning splash, click “Done!”